- 15th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience – save the date !
We are pleased to announce that the Belgian Society for Neuroscience is organising the 15th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience and invites you to contribute to its programme.
The meeting will be held at Brussels, Belgium on Tuesday 6 June 2023.More info see our new website https://belgianneuroscience.be
- 14th Meeting – Program 2022
Please click here for the updated program.
Keynotes speakers :
* Andreas Lüthi from Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) – Basel – Switzerland
* Sarah Garfinkel from Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (UCL) – London – UK - 14th BSN Meeting POSTPONED 9 MAY 2022 !
We are pleased to announce that the Belgian Society for Neuroscience is organising the 14th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience and invites you to contribute to its programme.
The meeting will be held at the ULB Erasme Campus (1070 Brussels, Belgium) on Monday 9 May 2022.For registration please follow this link.
We invite and welcome your submission of abstracts for both posters and oral presentations.
On a competitive basis, 10 submissions will be selected for oral presentation. Selected abstracts and presenters will be notified as soon as possible after registration closure.
Important date:- April 11th 2022: deadline for abstract submission, membership renewal, new membership submissions, non-member and member registration and payment.
The meeting registration costs are fully waived to BSN members.
Non-members however must register online and pay €100 euros.
If you are not yet a member, you are still in time to join the society as a Full or Junior member! Please go to the « join » page for more information. Members of the BSN are automatically also members of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS). This entitles BSN members to a free online access to the European Journal of Neuroscience, reduced registration fees for the FENS meetings, and reduced sub-scription fees to several neuroscience journals.
We hope to see you in Brussels!!!
Poster guideline:The dimensions of display panels are 97 cm width and 114 cm high.
A0 posters in portrait orientation fit well on panels. - Postponed to Fall 2022 ! – Neuro, Meet & Match Workshop 2021 –
News: Our meeting has been postponed to 2022.
We hope that we can meet and match very soon!
In the meantime, take care.The Junior Board of the BSN is thrilled to launch its first « Neuro, Meet & Match » workshop!
Postponed 2022- check out the program here.
Video credits to: Delia Della Porta This event will be the first interactive workshop to connect Belgium-based young neuroscientists from different disciplines from Molecular to Cognitive Neuroscience, and geographical regions from the docks of Antwerp to the slopes of Liège.
We prepared a one-day program dedicated to promote exchanges and networking, and energize research ideas and creativity among the Neuroscience student community.
You will participate interactive flashtalk presentations and neurodating sessions split in topics of your choice and interests. We will also have two plenary sessions with a keynote lecture and career advice interactive session with coffee breaks, lunch and cocktail to further connect.
- Flashtalk presentations
With the flashtalk presentations the attendees get the opportunity to quickly introduce their work in a ± 3-5 minute elevator pitch.
Flashtalks headlines and + Info
Flashtalk template- Neurodating
The participating young researchers will be matched in groups depending on their topics selections so they can interact and connect with each other.
The matches will be determined based on abstracts and keywords selected in your registration, so please take the time of carefully selecting them. Your choice will pattern the content of the day!
This event will be free for BSN members and for anyone who will also attend the BSN conference on December 17th. If you are not a member yet, you can find more info about how to get your membership either on the registration form or by using this link.
Registration closes 27th of November. Register now here! (link)
For further information contact us at NMM.BSN@gmail.com
BSN Junior Board
Registration and final program will come soon.
Temporary program