Goals of the BSN Junior Board
• Connect young researchers in the field of neuroscience across Belgium
• Help young researchers to find collaborations or a nice place to discuss
• Represent each Belgian university
Activities of the BSN Junior Board
- Neuro, Meet & Match: annual event organized by the BSN Junior Board for Belgium-based young neuroscientists. It consists in one-day program dedicated to promote exchanges and networking, and energize research ideas and creativity among the Neuroscience student community
- Brain & Beers: meet your colleagues across the country to talk about neuroscience
- Any idea ? Propose to the BSN Junior Board !
Members of the BSN Junior Board

Gamze Ates, Postdoctoral fellow
Neuro-Aging | Aging, cognition, metabolism, mitochondria

Whitney Stee, PhD Candidate (FNRS)
Cognitive neuroscience | Sleep & memory, neuroimaging methods
Alejandra Caceres-Chavez, Postdoctoral fellow (FNRS)
Cognitive neuroscience | Basal Ganglia, habitual memory, motor learning

Giulia Liberati (FNRS)
Systems neuroscience | Pain perception, intracerebral and scalp EEG,
Delia Della Porta, PhD Candidate (PDR-FNRS)
Cognitive Neuroscience | Central sensitization to pain & attentional processes
Nuria Ruiz Reig, Post-doc (FNRS)
Developmental Neurobiology | Cortical development

Jana Desloovere, PhD Candidate (FWO)
Systems neuroscience | Epilepsy, neuromodulation, EEG, animal models, chemogenetics

Joëlle van Rijswijk, PhD Student
Large-scale brain networks | neurodegeneration | MRI biomarkers

Serena Reverberi, PhD Candidate
Cognitive neuroscience | Sleep and motor memory
Vonne van Polanen, Post-doctoral fellowship (FWO)
Behavioural Neuroscience & brain stimulation | Human motor control, perception

Elle Scheijen, PhD student
Neurodegeneration | regeneration | spinal cord injury | DNA damage and repair
Lieve Van Vegel, PhD Candidate (FWO)
Molecular microbiology | Oxidative stress

Sandra Invernizzi, PhD Candidate (FNRS)
Neuropsychology and cognitive psychology | Aging, cognition, semantic memory, executive function, Alzheimer, depression

Kathleen Jacquerie, PhD Candidate (FNRS)
Computational neuroscience | Sleep-dependent memory consolidation